Final Outcome | H

This is the final outcome. I added a close up image of what the government head looks like in relation to the pods with the uploaded minds. I still have more developing to do as I want to show what the holograms on the pods will look like. As a start I feel this gives a good starting point of a potential and scary world.

Adding some colour

I used the drawings I created to add some colour to see if I could see my world coming to life. As I began I realised how large this project is and how difficult it is to create a new world as not only do you need to think of the big changes, you also need to create the smaller details that make it different.

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Government Hologram

For this project the aim was to create a new world, creating new inhabitants and rules. The world I have chosen to create is a world where humans can upload their minds to computers, containing all memories and gaining immortality.

These computers are pod like machines with a hologram of the uploaded human. This world also contains a government, who communicate with the inhabitants through a gigantic hologram.


‘In Cold Blood’ | Choosing a design

To start a new idea for this book, I realised I could use the fingerprint patterned heads I created last year. I’ve been meaning to use these images for something and thought this would be the perfect opportunity.

I started by just testing what the image would look like with the title and the given text they’ve asked for. I feel like it works really well with the style and time of the murders. The fingerprints represent the forensic side and the multiple heads represents the multiple murders.

I’ve swayed more towards the red image as it’s more eye-catching and also represents murder (red = blood).